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< Prev PostParent LinkNext Post > Misc Finally, indie rock group the Decemberists released a high-res version of their music video "Sixteen Military Wives" via file sharing. They are among the first musicians to release a music video online with such high quality: Their $6,000 video, which tells the story of what happens when a student representing the U.S. in a mock United Nations gets a little overzealous, is absolutely hilarious, professionally done, and is the catchiest, timeliest, funniest anti-war thing I've come across in any medium since 9/11. It's definitely worth repeated viewings, even if it is 78MB. You get can it here: And here's a review of the album that "Sixteen Military Wives" appears on. I'm continually impressed by the quality of reviews at Pitchfork, clearly written by people that know and love music:
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